Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Developing a Clan System for the Group

this is part of a conversation with Deanna Therriault about how to strengthen
our new group


The historical Anishinabe Clan system was developed to address the needs of
the group, basically through the assigment of various duties to each clan...
ie. the seven original clans were given the following functions to serve for
their people...I've plunked in modern/comtemporary assigment so you can how
this is applicable).

*The Crane and the Loon Clans* were given the power of
Leadership/Chieftanship (every group requires those spokespeople that will
voice the concerns/issues for the group, deligate duties, media relations,
publication editing, etc.) By working together, these individuals gove the
group balance and keep everyone in check.

*Then there was the Fish Clan*. The people of the Fish Clan were the
teachers and scholars...(people invovled in this aspect of the group provide
those intellectual/educational discussions and teachings to the group. i.e,
language, ceremony, experience in activism, etc.) These individuals in the
group help the whole develop their skills, their knowledge and understanding
of how to be, and/or participate in the group. The Fish Clan are also
mediators, and can provide those skills to various experiences... say for
instance you host a rally, or a protest, and the offending party wants to
talk...well, you send in your Fish Clan peoples. Get where I'm going???

*The Bear Clan members* were the strong guardians of the group. Bear Clan
members spent a lot of time patrolling the land surrounding the
when looking at the possibility of contentious situations or various
tactical moves by the group, the Bear Clan is there...they provide
protection, understand the intricacies of the necessaries that we must
sometimes employ during heated protest...i.e sometimes we call in a
Warrior Society...they fall under the requirements of the Bear Clan.

*The Hoof Clan* like the deers and moose cared for others by making sure the
community was emotionally healthy. So do you have social workers, addictions
councillors involved in your group??? They are pacifists pacifists avoiding
all harsh words, but help those in the group in need of council and
advice...always an Elder is there for this as well. And truly, everyone is a
Hoof Clan member, because they offer a shoulder, an ear, etc. for those in
the group who need it at various times. They facilitate healthy and
constructive communication as I see it.

*Then you'v egot the Martin Clan. *They were hunters, food gathers and
warriors for the Anishinabe peoples. So, in a modern context, I see the
Marten people seeking out those partnerships, finding those issues that have
been swept under rug and fighting in a mopre aggressive manner for change.
Perhaps looking at fundraising, finding places to meet, a home for the group
if you will? Long ago, warriors fought to defend their village or hunting
territory. They became known as master strategists in planning the defense
of their people... A marten could be legal council...

*The Bird Clan* represented the spiritual leaders of the people and gave the
nation its vision of well-being and its highest development of the spirit. This
is really where I see Elder involvement because they possess the historical
ceremonial and language knowledge to assist in the maintenance of who we are
as indigenous peoples. Traditional teachings. How to speak to one another in
a sharing circle, what a particular ceremony is for...smudging, prayer, etc.

To meet all the needs of your NEED a clan system of sorts. A
group of individuals with various skill sets (no matter their cultural
background) who contribute to the group as a whole within the realm of their
specific strengths and experiences. Each respects the roles,
responsibilities of each other and acts accordingly. That's is how I've
envisioned the connection of today to yesterday. I could go on forever, but
I think this is enough for you to grasp my intent and purpose. No matter
what you're doing, you need orginization and people must assume certain


1SavageBro said...

I think we defently need to find what everyone is good at doing.... and mabby break it down in to some groups that kinda of have there own goals to fouse on, like one part of a greater pic... but first I guess we all have to see the same pic now don't we hahahhaa anyways good stuff I really like this Idea and think we can utilize it mos def!!!!

Giziisikwe said...

In terms of un-settling the settler, traditional structures are a good place to introduce the non-indigenous person to a new way of existing, learning, and building based on communal strengths, consensus and respect...things not often present in a patriarchal, capitalist, materially driven, selfish society.